Become a Games Then and Now Contributor
Sports Then and Now is always looking for passionate sports fans to write specific or general sports content for either the main sports site or one of the specific city sites.
If you have a passion for sports and want the opportunity to share your ideas, opinions and knowledge while growing your portfolio of writing samples, Sports Then and Now has a place for you.
There is currently no financial compensation for writers, but as the site grows, we hope that will quickly change.
Below are some ways that you can immediately become involved on Sports Then and Now. If you see something of interest, please contact us so you can get started writing today.
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Sports Guest Post | Write for us | Contribute Sports Guest Post
We’re delighted that you are interested in creating a sports guest post for Toprelaxgames. Here contributors from various experience levels are appreciated and if you don’t have any experience then also you don’t need to worry about writing a guest sports blog.
In Toprelaxgames, we cover mostly all the topics that the sports industry has to offer. The sports topic that we mainly cover are as follows:
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Football
- Golf
- Rugby
- Tennis and many more
Things to keep in mind when you write for us a sports guest post:
- Pitch an idea of what topic you should write a sports blog.
- Your pitch should include a 3-4 line sentence about your idea and a potential title for your sports blog.
- We will send you a confirmation email to write a sports guest post for us.
- When you are submitting your sports blog for the guest post then your blog should contain at least 700 words.
- If you are adding images to your sports blog then do mention where you want the images to be added when sending the images separately.
- Make sure your content on the sports blogs that you submit to us is unique and have a good standard of quality.
- Once we make your sports blog live, we will be promoting the blog like crazy and we also expect that you will promote it as much as possible from your end too.
There are some ideas for the topics that we would like to cover in the future, like:
- Each and every rule about football/soccer
- Average sizes of different sports pitches
- Rules on tennis
- Fun facts about any sport
You can cover one of these subjects, and have an idea of your own? We would love to hear your idea; you can submit your idea by filling up the above form.
For more inquiries, you can also reach us through