For any sports club or organization, the first step to be present on social networks is to have a profile and post information about the teams, tournaments, training sessions, etc. But when your club or sports center already has a stable presence in online channels, you should consider a broader, more orderly strategy of actions with clear objectives. This is where promotions make the most sense, because they allow you to achieve the goals established in your marketing plan or strategy. Let’s see it with 5 examples of contests, raffles and online games that will help your club.

1. Giveaway on Instagram

Ideal to attract more followers and increase interaction with your community

This dynamic is the most used and also the most recommended if you have never organized a contest, raffle or online promotion. It is very easy to set up and it is very easy for users to participate. This is a post on your club’s profile in which you announce a draw and present the prize. In order for users to enter as finalists, they must comment on the post, as well as sometimes extra actions are requested: follow the brand’s profile, mention friends, like.

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2. Multi-network giveaway/

Reward your club’s followers on various social networks

Not everything is Instagram. Many organizations also have a loyal audience on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Raffles in which you can participate through various social networks are becoming more and more common. The main benefit is to be able to reward all the brand’s online followers, regardless of the social network through which they follow the club or sports facility. To work, the action to participate must be common or equivalent among all networks, for example, comment (reply on Twitter).

3. Merchandising raffle with data capture

Convert online followers into subscribers of your newsletter for more direct and effective communication

Next step in developing your club’s marketing strategy: Capture the contact information of your followers. If you only dedicate yourself to invigorate social networks with content and promotions, you will never have your own channel to communicate with them. So one option is to focus on converting your followers into leads . How? Offering a prize in return. The simplest and most effective way is to raffle a t-shirt, a ball or any type of merchandising that is desired by your audience. To participate, followers must register using a registration form. They accept the legal bases and the privacy policy to be included in your newsletter, and in return they enter the raffle.

4. Games to generate engagement

Amuse your fans and turn them into your club’s own contacts

If you have already tried the giveaway with a form, and your audience likes to interact and play, take the opportunity to increase their engagement by proposing mini-games. By introducing gamification in your promotions, you can encourage the competitiveness of users with a fun and interactive dynamic. For example, take the opportunity to present a puzzle of your team and give points for a completed game according to the time it took the user to solve it. Activate the ranking to present the score of all participants and give the prize to the one with the most points. Apart from generating engagement, you capture their data and get a good exposure of your brand.

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5. Sports pool to follow the championship

Generate engagement with your community with the most outstanding sporting events

The pools and cheers are a good way to maintain engagement and brand memory. Take the opportunity to launch an online pool for your sports club matches, or encourage participation with a contest to predict the outcome of the most important world or national tournament in your sport.

These are just some of the ideas that you can use so that your sports club grows in brand awareness, diffusion and engagement through digital channels. The most important thing is to be clear about the objective first, and decide the dynamics according to it. This way you will always optimize your time to the maximum to achieve the best results.

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