Think Like A Winner – Why It’s Important

Think Like A Winner
Think Like A Winner

“Think Like a Winner: The Best Baseball Strategies for Winners” by Tom House is a great little book on winning baseball games. There are many tips and strategies that are presented in this book, but I felt that the book went too far in the direction of being motivational. I found that it could have gone into more detail about mental conditioning and how to instill confidence as well as positivity into your mindset. So if you have an encouraging personality, this book will definitely serve you well. But otherwise, I found the tips and strategies in “Think Like a Winner: The Best Baseball Strategies for Winners” to be extremely helpful.

Let’s start with the first section of the book where there is an entire chapter on how to “think like a winner.” Tom House has done an excellent job of describing what it takes to become and remain a winner. There are some keys to getting to the Hall of Fame that includes having a competitive advantage and knowing how to get the most out of every at-bat. There are also several keys to success in general. It would have been nice to have a chapter on how to become and maintain an effective public speaker.

When reading “Think Like a Winner,” I found myself focusing my mind on what athletes at my high school and college did to succeed. These included thinking like winners. I focused on the positive things that happened during their successes. I also made sure to keep my positive nature even when things were not going so well. This is an example of how winners tend to think and act.

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In the second section of the book, there is a short write up on what to do after winning. Again, this is similar to what is taught in “Think Like a Winner.” There are some important keys to success, and Tom House provides numerous examples of what to do the next time you find yourself playing in front of a crowd or dealing with a bully. He also discusses how to get past your negative mindset so you can win the game and anything else you want in life.

In the third chapter, “The Winner’s Edge,” Tom House provides a helpful exercise. He has three steps to improving your chances of winning. The first step is to “think outside the word.” He recommends you take the time to really figure out what you do well, what you like to do, and what you dislike doing. Once you have a list of your strengths and weaknesses, you can devise a plan to make your strengths the biggest factor in your plan.

The fourth step is the most important part of the book. Once you have a clear list of your strengths, House provides information that will help you reach your goals. First, he explains that attitude is more important than skill. This means if you have a bad attitude about being a loser, or if you brag about your success too much, you won’t be successful. On the other hand, if you are positive and believe in yourself, you will be successful.

Finally, in the last chapter of the book, he compares winning to being passionate about your work. Most people are good at their jobs. They just don’t enjoy it. To succeed in whatever it is you want to do, you need to be passionate about it.

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As a winner, I know how important this book is. There are many reasons to read it. If you are looking for motivation, or if you are trying to change your attitude, or if you want to figure out how to become more successful, I highly recommend that you read this book. I believe that Tom House has put together all the knowledge and skills needed to help you become a winner. I hope that you feel inspired by his message and apply the knowledge gained to improve your life.

I'm the lady in charge of Top relax Games, but also getting all the reviews up on the website, so you can thank me for all those shining stars – or blame me for a lack of them. I also spend my time working my SEO magic to try and coax the Google Juice to flow in our favour.