The Art and Science of Leveraging Mobile Technology for Successful Sports Betting Activities


The rapid technological developments that are part and parcel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have catapulted the use of the mobile platform as the primary driver of many activities, including online sports betting. 

Consequently, the questions that beg are: 

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? 

What should you expect of a sports betting mobile app? 

The questions are valid and deserve a considered answer. Therefore, let’s consider the following discussion by way of answering these questions. 

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or Industry 4.0)? 

Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) coined this phrase in 2016 when he authored the book by the same name. Thus, we should look at a definition of 4IR as it was phrased by him.

Ubiquitous, mobile supercomputing. Intelligent robots. Self-driving cars. Neuro-technological brain enhancements. Genetic editing. The evidence of dramatic change is all around us, and it’s happening at exponential speed.”

This is his description of the consequences of Industry 4.0. And, as we move further and further into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it’s important to understand the overall impact of its development on the global population, especially as the world moves into the New Normal or post-pandemic era. 

Schwab is “convinced that we are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and relate to one another.” In many respects, the online world and its associated technologies like the Bwin mobile, and other mobile platform hardware, and software applications are the New Normal. 

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What should you expect of a sports betting mobile app? 

Succinctly stated, any mobile app should include the marriage of both usability and functionality. In other words, a successful mobile app should be easy to use without any glitches or bugs in its operations; thereby, allowing users to fulfil its primary function. In the sports betting genre, a useful mobile app should facilitate the process of placing bets on one or more sporting events without any operating glitches. 

And, at a very basic level, it should include the following features: 

Prioritise cybersecurity methodologies 

An unfortunate, but real part of the online world is the reality that hackers are always looking for an opening to break into online servers to steal sensitive data and a company’s clients’ personal details. This phenomenon is not unique to the online gambling and sports betting industry. Therefore, to mitigate the risk of being hacked the sportsbook must ensure that it has the latest cybersecurity best practices, software, and hardware implemented at all times. 

It should mimic website functions and capabilities

A sportsbook’s mobile app should offer the same betting opportunities as the bookmaker’s website. And, it must also be easy to log in and access your bankroll to place bets without having to revert to the website because the app is clunky and difficult to use. Finally, because options like in-play betting are usually only offered via the mobile app, live streaming functionality must be also built into the app. It is impossible to utilise in-play betting successfully without the ability to live stream the game.

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