Fortnite update 8.50: Fortnite Endgame is coming and more news


All the news of Fortnite Endgame, the new limited game mode of Fortnite, as well as the rest of the adjustments that come with update 8.50. If you liked controlling Thanos last year with the Infinity War crossover, you should know that the crazy titan returns to the Epic game.

New week, new Fortnite update . Epic Games has not released an intermediate update this week (which is what it would touch), but the patch 8.50 of Fortnite, which comes with news in which game modes are concerned, as well as various fixes on Fortnite systems and, how no, a new union with the Avengers.

Avengers Endgame is the new great Disney movie, the one that will close the events that started in 2008 and that left us hallucinating last year with Infinity War. And yes, we have already seen Avengers Endgame and we tell you our feelings in the criticism .

Going back to Fortnite patch 8.50 , as expected, there is new content related to The Avengers. Over the past few days, Epic has been leaving clues to the arrival of Avengers Endgame in Fortnite , and we finally know what it is about.

Considering Thanos’ success in Fortnite in 2018 , this union was more than natural, and below we tell you all the details of the new update 8.50 of Fortnite.

Fortnite Battle Royale

Although Fortnite currently has three game modes, the most popular is still Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s where Epic’s greatest efforts are concentrated in each update, and that shows.

Next, we leave you all the Fortnite news detailed on the Epic blog .


Thanos and his chitauri have invaded the island of Battle Royale in search of the six Infinity Stones.

Mode details

  • In Endgame, a group of heroes fight to stop Thanos and his chitauri before they get the six Infinity Stones.
  • Both teams will reappear when eliminated until the other side completes its objective.
  • The first side is the team of heroes. Heroes will reappear when eliminated until the enemy team has found all six Infinity Stones.
  • Heroes start with a treasure map that tells them where the mythical items from the Avengers are located.
  • The rest of the Avengers’ items are found in chests scattered across the map.
  • The goal of the hero team is to destroy the Chitauri army and defeat Thanos.
  • For its part, the Thanos team is made up of the Chitauri invaders and Thanos himself.
  • The Chitauri invaders begin the game with a powerful laser rifle, anti-structure grenades, and a thruster that allows them to briefly leap into the air.
  • The first chitauri to retrieve an Infinity gem will transform into Thanos.
  • Thanos has a powerful punch, a destructive beam, and the ability to soar into the air and then smash whatever is in his way as he falls.
  • If Thanos is eliminated from the game, another Chitauri will become him after a short period of time (unless Thanos is the last one left).
  • If Thanos and his chitauri find the six Infinity Stones, the heroes will not be able to reappear.
  • The objective of Thanos and his army is to find the gems and eliminate the rest of the heroes.

Furthermore, gems have different powers:

  • Reality Stone (red) = health and duplicate shields (1000-> 2000)
  • Soul Gem (orange) = activated siphon (grants shields only to Thanos)
  • Mind Gem (yellow) = double jump height
  • Space Gem (blue) = size of area of ​​effect of tripled landing, damage x6
  • Time Gem (green) = big boost added to each hit, damage x3
  • Power Gem (purple) = laser damage x6


Bug fixes and improvements

  • The Hold-To-Change functionality is now confirmed by releasing the Use button instead of holding it down.
  • This avoids the mistake of accidentally changing.
  • If a player is eliminated by taking fall damage inside a vehicle, the last player to damage this vehicle will be the one who receives the elimination credit.
  • Hit markers have been re-enabled so that their authority depends on the server instead of the client. This will avoid occasions when players saw the markers but did no damage.
  • Players who restarted within cracks teleported to the sky, but did not enter parachute mode.
  • Vehicles were not propelled away from the reset van.
  • The collision of the reset van did not affect some vehicles, allowing them to hide inside it.
  • The yellow “invulnerability” effect did not appear on players who revived with the reset van.
  • The sound of the reboot card appearing continued to play even if the player disconnected.
  • Inventory items can no longer be dropped while inside weapons vehicles to avoid multiple camera bugs.
  • Traps were sometimes placed in the middle of a square instead of against a wall when using Constructor pro.
  • When exiting vehicles, the equip animation will now always play before weapons can be fired.
  • This prevents the bug that caused players to occasionally see themselves shooting right after leaving a vehicle before the server had time to record the shot.
  • Removal information will no longer display the “removed by an ally” message if an ally interrupts a player’s restart animation.
  • Drop damage taken when using a thruster (in supported limited-time modes) after launching from a pirate cannon.
  • Players could not avoid fall damage using a flintlock pistol while crouching.
  • Players were unable to view the nameplates of the group members’ reset cards in the UI.
  • Players did not drop a restart card if they were eliminated after confirming a restart, but before their teammate appeared.
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Bug fixes and improvements

  • We are giving away PE to players to make up for a bug that caused the correct amount of Survival XP not to be given after matches. You will receive this compensation through the gift system.


  • New Tournament – April 27-28: Week 3 of the Fortnite World Cup Online Qualifiers ($ 1 million in prizes!)
  • Solo game mode. To participate in this event, both players must have reached the Champions League in the arena. Region lock is in effect. Players will only be able to participate in the qualifier of a single server region during each week of the online qualifiers. The server region entered in the first game of the tournament for that weekend will be the one assigned to the player throughout the weekend.
  • Streaming replays (currently only available on PC). Tournament Game History has been added, which can be viewed by selecting a player from the leaderboards. You can see the replays of each game in which the player has participated. Added the ability to watch live games during tournaments by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
  • Arena mode and tournaments will now record profile stats for solo, duo, and squad categories rather than as MTLs do.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Players in the arena saw themselves incorrectly demoted to a lower division after losing a high. This was only a visual error and now all high values ​​and divisions unlocked are displayed correctly again.
  • In-game tournament posters displayed certain events incorrectly, warning that they started in “2 days”.
  • Tournament posters and arena panel did not load correctly on mobile devices.


Bug fixes and improvements

  • The cause of the pulls that occurred when diving and in the last matches of the games have been solved.


  • We have added a unique animation to pet the dog and other pets.


  • No Spatialization (Displacement) Sound Visualizer has been added for game sounds.
    • By entering this mode, if you are hearing impaired, you can now play the game with the sound and display turned on at the same time!
    • Drop by and leave us your feedback on these changes in the game or on our social media so that we can continue to improve in the future!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Various game sounds, such as shooting, footsteps, and reloading, will not be activated again at erroneous or random times. This generated “ghost” sounds that were heard when there was nothing to cause those sound effects.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain elements to not have a sound loop when they should have it.


Bug fixes and improvements

  • During replays, the visuals did not fully reproduce when healing with objects such as bananas or apples.


  • Reactive effects did not work properly in Marshmello’s suit.
  • MSAA antialiasing has been enabled on the P30 Pro, Mate 20 and Mate 20X phones.
  • The interaction button now has context sensitive icons.
  • It is now possible to move while the map is open by activating an option on the left side of the screen.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Stability improvements have been made and some crashes have been fixed.
  • Performance improvements have been made on the iPad Mini 4 and Air 2.
  • The motion stick did not appear in the HUD of certain devices.
  • Pop-up notifications were not sent after updates finished downloading.
  • Players blocked on the player’s friend lists did not appear as such.
  • The right trigger button and stick stopped working after attaching the bolon hook with Touch to shoot.
  • The right firing stick prevented movement of the camera inside the ball.
  • The hook of the boloncho was not released after touching the button for the first time.
  • Players could get stuck in an infinite firing loop after exiting the boloncho when the boloncho was anchored with the hook.
  • It was necessary to double tap the button to release the hook from the boloncho when using Tap to Shoot.
  • The Back button on the menus had visual errors.
  • The voice chat icons of players who were not participating did not appear.
  • Ammunition boxes would not open.
  • It was difficult to touch and interact with the Confirm and Cancel buttons within Squad Management.
  • When closing the options menu without saving changes, it closed completely instead of just the popup.
  • You could remove the menu icons from the HUD layout tool.
  • The vehicle acceleration icons looked different within a game and on the HUD layout tool screen.
  • Now the score tracking module can be removed from the mobile HUD.
  • Now the score tracking module can be removed from the mobile HUD.
  • Using the explosive arc made it difficult to see the animations of characters and weapons.
  • The map module was incorrectly fixed when moved in the HUD layout tool, causing some modes in the game UI to push the map module off the screen.
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Fortnite Creative Mode

Fortnite Creative Mode is also updated with new possibilities for editing island. We tell you all the news of patch 8.50 of Fortnite and Creative Mode below.

Game rounds

Have a round! New game settings are now available, such as the ability to add rounds! For more information, check out the Gameplay section below.

Prefabricated pirate ship 

Treasure in sight! Become the captain of your own pirate ship! Imagine and create your own pirate cove with this new prefab.


  • Two new featured island portals have been added to the Creative Hub and Playground.
  • Players’ island portals have been reduced from 8 to 6 in Creative Central.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Materials were not restarted when returning to the plant.
  • Infinite materials did not trigger correctly when changing island permissions.


  • New Round Game Settings: Rounds can now be added to any game. Everything will reset to its pre-game state when starting a new round.
  • Each round uses the end-of-game and winner scoring settings to establish the winner, and also displays a scorecard for the round. The number of wins per team or per player is shown in the score table. In the future we will add information that will show the overall winner of the game. The round total setting sets the number of rounds from 1 to 100.
  • Updated options for Eliminations, Creature Eliminations, Objectives to win, and Collect items to win: Disabled, 1-10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1000.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Players could harm each other at the end of a game.
  • Games took longer to start than expected on islands with creative generators.
  • The music in the room was looped after winning a game.
  • Players in a “do not participate” group entered a game if the leader of that group joined an ongoing game.


  • Phase mode has been added:
  • The setting will be saved so you can continue alternating phase after stopping and start flying.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • You couldn’t select consumable fruits with the phone.
  • Some items and boxes disappeared when copying nearby objects after multiple selection.
  • The walls that players built could be adjusted in size and rotated if selected next to another object using multiple selection.
  • The orientation of the elements could change unexpectedly when activating the grid adjustment.


  • The prefabricated pirate ship has been added.
  • Pirate Ship Gallery has been added.
  • Six prefabricated pirate coves have been added.
  • The pirate cove gallery and pirate cove item gallery have been added.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Could not cut or copy metal trash can from General B Gallery.
  • The render distance of the trash bag has been improved, allowing it to be visible from further away.
  • There were roof pieces from the military base set that turned green after being placed using multiple selection.
  • The pillars of the ice castle ensemble could not be placed after turning them on a modified axis.
  • Canceling a cut in a ring from the ring gallery caused the ring to be unaffected by the phone.
  • The balcony of the ice castle could not be positioned correctly.


  • New options have been added to the Stormwing generator that allow you to configure whether objects are destroyed by hitting: Boosted Health Threshold: When you accelerate directly towards an object with this health or less, it will be destroyed immediately (default: all). Direct Hit Health Threshold: After colliding head-on into an object with this health or less, it will be destroyed immediately (default: 300). Health Threshold to Go Through: Anything the Stormwing hits with this health or less will be destroyed immediately (default: 0).
  • New options for target device: The appearance of the health bar has been updated with a selectable identifiable letter. Added an option to identify the target as NONE, A, B, C, D, W, X, Y, or Z. Added an option to display the target’s health in the HUD. The following options to hide health bar have been added in: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45. An option has been added to set the color of the beacon on target device:

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Spawned creatures and sentries were still active even at the end of a game.
  • The explosive bow did not harm sentries.
  • Incorrect text was displayed when a sentry killed a player.
  • Two sentries could appear one above the other when starting a game.
  • No sounds were played when scoring in a capture zone while the radio was playing.
  • Coin rendering distance increased 3 times the previous distance.
  • The pinball bumper now has the same rendering distance as the pinball launcher.
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  • The scorecard can now be displayed in-game by pressing the map button during an ongoing game. This option is active by default. Use the map display module option to choose between scorecard and default map.
  • Targets have been added to the HUD type that allows targets to show health in the HUD.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Material icons did not show the “infinity” graphic.
  • The UI kept popping up in Creative mode after switching to Save the World if the game didn’t restart.
  • Scoreboard corrections
  • The time setting in UI settings did not count up.
  • The time setting appeared on the UI Settings tab and on the Game tab. It now only appears in the UI settings tab.
  • There was a misspelling in the radio song “Fortnite Remix”.
  • Sometimes a group leader who joined a game on a Creative mode server would also join players who were not participating.


Bug fixes and improvements

  • Players could not enter ghost mode.

Save the Fortnite World

Save the world mode is also updated in Fortnite patch 8.50. It is a way, the first one launched on the market, which encourages us, along with three other friends via online, to defend a point against waves of zombies. In addition to the new cannon, we have the following news about Saving the World:

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused Villatablón’s mushrooms to not count to fulfill the objective of the replenishment mission.


Bug fixes and improvements

  • Mac players will no longer forcibly return to the map screen when trying to join a room. This bug has been recently fixed for other players prior to the release of v.8.50.
  • Extra loading screens appeared as he left the room.
  • The “Manage Player” confirmation screen in the room displayed an incorrect banner and power level.
  • Outline reward descriptions were not displayed when viewed in the mission rewards section of the map.
  • No text or numbers appeared in descriptions of some schemes and heroes.
  • Objects in the arsenal space displayed unrelated tabs when previewed from the store.
  • The start button appeared as active but could not be used when trying to start a storm shield defense mission.
  • Collecting book hero rewards were not displaying correctly after accepting a random hero reward.
  • Collection book completion pages did not update when you deallocate objects or add new ones to a page.
  • Wood Harvesting UI would get stuck on players’ screen when they rejoined a mission or after rehabilitating the HUD.
  • Players who joined a game in progress did not appear in the HUD on the team roster.
  • Players’ power level appeared as “1” instead of displaying correct number.
  • Updated descriptions of attack speed statistics in melee weapon schematics.


  • Gameplay mods have been improved to address performance issues.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Players experienced jerks when traversing or interacting with menus.


  • Introducing Eagle Eye Bunny, the new legendary globetrotter.
  • Legendary Builder Penny Bunny is back!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Artist of Escapism + description was showing an incorrect duration.
  • Critical Burst + and Accurate Shot + descriptions displayed incorrect values.


  • Boloncio is back! Shoot cannonballs that damage and push groups of enemies. Cannonballs bounce off before exploding and damage nearby enemies with each bounce. Available in the Weekly Store from April 26 at 02:00 CEST until May 3 at 02:00 CEST.
  • Boloncio has been added to the spark weapons page of the collection book.


  • Noble launcher loading sound has been updated.
  • Sound added when players change cheats.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Sounds were missing during the speedy Ken Hare martial arts animations.


  • The Ready / Not Ready logic has been redesigned in several places. This change should avoid and fix situations where players were marked as Not Ready inadvertently.
  • Additional text has been added to the play button to show which group members are not ready.


  • An option has been added to display the current voice channel and to switch between group and game channels in the menu.
  • The indicators of who is speaking appear for all group members and not only for those who are not participating.
  • The setting to automatically join the game’s voice channel is limited to cases where your squad has been filled with non-group players.
  • Now the list of group members in the social panel indicates the group leader.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Sometimes players in the room had the status text in another player’s game instead of their own.
  • Xbox One players could experience intermittent crashes when accepting an invitation to a game or when joining a game session before it was executed.


  • Added a UI option to disable rendering hardware interface (RHIT) threads that was added in version 8.30. RHIT improves performance on computers with quad-core CPUs or higher, but may reduce performance on computers with lower ranges.
  • The number of sounds composing when you drop the weapon has been reduced to improve performance.
  • Vehicle performance has been improved.
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